Plausible. But what about the capacity to make capital investments needed.?

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Mother Pious Lady sounds like a wonderful recommendation! Never heard of that one before! Enjoy the sketches as always!

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I would absolutely recommend it

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Abhijit, good one! As usual, it has several things of interest and keeps my attention. I am happy that I get to learn a few things that I would have missed otherwise. Please keep publishing!

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Thanks Shyam. Glad you liked the variety. Please keep encouraging me by reading, commenting and sharing.

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Home definitely is getting crowded. It is not convenient rather stressful and depressing

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Sleep is a must. Otherwise productivity goes for a toss. Yes, in Indian family run business amount of time spent at work is directly viewed as proportional to productivity and loyalty because they do not have robust performance management systems.

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Thanks for recommending Mother Pious. Going to grab it right away. I loved your note on On work life blending and Revenge Bedtime procrastination . In my view , the biggest antidote to that is waking up early , spending time with self , in silence in order to take control of the day, declutter and prioritize Most people who wake up late and walk into the day immediately thereafter ending up feeling lost in the woods as the day stretches beyond their control. It's a cycle . As your day stretches into night and you procrastinate sleep, you end up waking late again only to find yourself back in the woods

Most successful people wake up at 5 am . There is blissful wisdom in doing so .

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Getting a certain amount of transition time to begin the work and a definitive closure to the work day is necessary. Do join the Linkedin Live at 7pm today if you are free

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